Summary: | The quality and quantity of dairy cows� optimal production is determined
by a good feed management. The objective of the thesis writing is to find out the
dairy cows� feed management in the dairy farm of the office�s technical
implementation unit � the development center of seeds, animal feed and
veterinary diagnostics (UPTD-BPBPTDK), Sleman Yogyakarta.
The materials used in the writing thesis were the data recordings of the
dairy cows� feed management in UPTD-BPBPTDK. The method used in the data
collection was by attending the practices directly, conducting interviews with
local officials and directly observing the feed given. The data collected included
the type of the feed given, the composition of feed, and the giving process of the
The result of the observation shows that the type of the feed given is
concentrate and forage. Concentrate administered twice daily before milking
while forage isgiventwice a day after milking. The amount of the feed giving is
varied, according to the needs and the age of the cattle. Weaning calves are given
1-1.5 kg concentrate/day and 10 kg of forage/day. The concentrate for heifers is 4
kg/day and the forage is 20 kg/day. Meanwhile, the concentrate for lactating cows
is 4 kg/day and the forage is 30 kg/day.
Based on the data known, it can be concluded that the feeding
management of the dairy cows in the office�s technical implementation unit the
development center of seeds, animal feed and veterinary diagnostics (UPTDBPBPTDK)
is not optimal.