Summary: | To get the results of the investigation ground in civil building planning requires
a relatively long time and cost. One of the investigations to be carried out are
testing water content of the soil. The purpose of this research is to know the value
of the correlation between water content test method of speedy moisture tester and
spiritus with the basic method of the oven. In order to use the right method, fast
and economical.
The test is divided into 3 methods are oven, spiritus and speedy moisture tester.
The soils have used in this test Sand, Loamy Sand, Sandy Loam which escaped
No. 10 sieve and hydrometer and have tested gravity specific. Divided into ±40
samples weighing approximately 150 grams/sample and soaked water with
multiples of 2 ml for ±8 hours later ready testing oven, spiritus and speedy
moisture tester. To obtain the variation of water content test samples.
Equation of soil moisture content of Sand spiritus test against oven y = 0.995x
+ 0.375 with R=0.998 and speedy to oven y = 1.660x � 0.465 with R=1.000. Soil
moisture equation type of Loamy Sand spiritus test against oven y = 1.004x �
0.188 with R=0.998 and speedy response to oven = 1.666x � 0.420 with R= 0.999.
Equation of water content of soil types Sandy Loam test spiritus towards the oven
y = 1.007x - 0.327 with R=0.998 and speedy against the oven y = 1.654x � 0.260
with R=0.999. The research of results showed that soil type all values of the
moisture content of the wood oven and test speedy against the oven has a value of
correlation (R) approaches 1 and can be interpreted as having a close relationship.