Summary: | The Land requirements for building and human activity (needs of life) become one of
the factors of dynamical land use changing in a region. The limitation of land
increasing the conflict of land utilization, valuable land use and economically land
benefit where it is placed in a strategic location or in transportation line. The land
use changing in Mungkid Sub District and Dukun Sub District are caused by public
facilities building (physical factor) and human activity to fulfill their needs such as
settlement, commerce, education, industry, and another trading place (socio
economic factors). The Land use changing is defined as the change or increase of
land use from agricultural land into non-agricultural land since 2000 � 2011 .The
Land use changing from agricultural land into non-agricultural land is observed by
land use mapping of year 2000 then it is digitized by overlying Quickbird imagery of
2011 became a new map of land use in 2011. The results of the mapping are used to
analyze the changing of agricultural land occurred. The result of this observation
showed that agricultural lands changing are appropriate with the regulation on
Magelang District government about spatial planning which has been stated. There
are three (3) kinds of land use changing based on their function which are PKL (
Local Activity Center ) , PPL ( Environmental Service Center ) , and KDP ( Service
Center Region ). Sub District of Mungkid is included in �PKL� function which has
role as a center of public activities in Region/district scale where Regency Office
(district-scale) and DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) are placed.
Meanwhile, Sub District of Dukun is included in �PPL� function which means that
all villages activities are centered in this place, such as the agricultural product, and
there is Agribusiness Terminal as a center of agricultural activity of Sub District of