Summary: | Pathogenecity of Escherichia coli could be known by the determination of
infective dose-50 in in vivo study. The objective of this study is to determinate
ID50 of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) in chicken and is to find out
the histopathological image of chicken�s heart and liver after infected with that
In this study were used 42 of day old chicken (DOC) regardless their sex
types. Those chickens were kept until 14 days old then were infected with APEC.
The infective dose-50 was determined by Reed and Muench method. Isolation and
identification of E.coli from heart and liver was cultured on eosin methylene blue
(EMB) and mac Conkey agar (MCA). Biochemical reaction was tested with triple
sugar iron agar (TSIA), Indole-Methyl red-Voges Proskauer-Citrate (IMVIC) test
and Urea agar. Histopathological image of heart and liver was observed.
The results of this study is infective dose of APEC in broiler chicken was
2 x 104,4 cell per ml (cell/ml). This dose caused damage in 35-day-aged broiler
with clinical change of depression, anorexic, closing of the nictitans membrane,
profuse diarrhea, dull, and general weaknesses. Microscopically of liver showed
there was multifocal of heterophile infiltration around the blood vessel, and there
was proliferation of Glissoni capsula with infiltration of inflammation cell and
fibrin. Microscopically of heart showed there was lymphocytes and heterophile
infiltration in pericardium, and thickening of pericardium.