Summary: | Background : Observation of Implementation Activities Coding Officer Related
Program JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat) at Panti Rapih Hospital
Yogyakarta expected to conform and implemented well. JKN has close links with
the INA CBGs (Indonesian Case Base Groups) that is the method of payment.
The accuracy of the given code which will greatly affect the rates accepted
Hospitals to be substitute of the cost of the service provided to the patient while
receiving health care facility. With program JKN the coding officer has obligation,
authority, and problem aside from doing a coding of diseases and actions.
Hospitals provide effort to address difficulties faced by coding officer.
Objective : Knowing the obligation and authority of coding officer related
program JKN, knowing the difficulties faced by coding officer related program
JKN, and knowing effort have been implemented the Hospital related program
The Research Method : This type of research is a descriptive study with a
qualitative approach to the design and phenomenology. Subjects were 4 coding
officer. Object under study is observation of implementation activities coding
officer related program JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat). Techniques of
data collection by interview, observation and study documentation.
Results : Coding officer at Panti Rapih Hospital Yogyakarta already know the
obligations and responsibilities. The obligations are to accept patient accounts
receivable file JKN, seeking medical record file for diagnosis and action, asking
file incomplete medical records to DPJP, input data on INA software CBGs,
determine code of diagnosis and action appropriate coding rules in ICD 10 and
ICD 9 CM, do the grouping, which will prepare a file on copy, input the data on
the software expedition SIM RS, and return the file to the filing of medical
records. But to complete a resume if the doctor has not been filled and patient
acceptance JKN at the counter JKN patients have not been listed in the Standard
Operational Procedures related performance of coding officer. The difficulties
faced by coding officers related program JKN were SPO of coding diagnoses and
actions still join the SPO at the olah data, SPO of officer coding INA CBGs also
there is no, coding officer still have not understand the job and the things that
must be submitted to the doctor when the diagnosis is unclear and actions or
unfilled, coding officer often differ in determining disease code, unequal training
opportunities for coding officer, doctor writing can not be read by the coding
officer, socialization to the people is still lacking, understanding and regulation of
hospitals still do not, and ignorance coding officer in some ways. Effort have been
implemented were refers to the existing SPO, provide socialization and training,
uniformity of some code that is often different, hold meetings or official forums,
and consult with the doctor to explain the diagnoses and actions written in the
medical record file.