Summary: | A Field Work Practice (PKL) was conducted during one week i.e. from 7
to 12 April 2014 from 06:30 o�clock to 16:00 o�clock in Mbokong Village,
Seyegan, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. This Field Work Practice
(PKL) was aimed to analyze financially on financial allocation and also the
advantages of broiler-race cattle breeding business with a partnership pattern
during one breeding period. Data was obtained from observation, direct practice,
interviews farmer and field guide officers. Data was also obtained from sub-office
of PT. Januputra Farm addressed in Cebongan Lor, Tlogoadi, Mlati, Sleman,
Yogyakarta. Data obtained namely: breeding recording, plasma salary proposal
from partnership pattern, chicken breeding result calculation, partnership cooperation
agreement sheet requirements.
The broiler chicken cattle breeding business of PT. Januputra Farm was
broiler chicken cattle breeding business which applied a plasma core partnership
pattern. The needs of PT. Januputra related to economic principles so that it
needed an economic analysis to know the economic speed during one period that
covered production cost calculation, production receivables and production
income. The calculation for chicken Performance Index was also calculated as a
breeding management evaluation during one period, performance index
calculation in PT. Januputra Farm included mortality percentage of 9.20%, body
weight average of 1.84 kg, age average of 34.26 days, feed conversion rate (FCR)
of 1.6171 and performance index (IP) of 302. The performance index calculation
in independent cattle breeding of Putra Mandiri Farm as a comparator covered
mortality index of 5.40%, weight average of 2.20 kg, feed conversion rate (FCR)
value harvest age average of 1.631 and performance index (IP) of 348.26.
The observation and calculation result showed that broiler chicken in PT.
Januputra Farm was harvested numbered 10,260 heads out of total initial of
11,300 heads, net income obtained from PT. Januputra Farm was Rp 5,558,551.00
from total cash income of Rp 313,243,729.00 added FCR incentive value of
2,266,872.00 and subtracted total cost of Rp 309,952,090.00. The R/C (Revenue
Cost Ratio) value showed number 1.01 meant that the broiler chicken cattle
breeding business of PT. Januputra Farm was proper to maintain and to develop.