Summary: | Maintaining health in livestock ranch such as chicken is part of the
important thing in improving the production of the cattle in maintaining the health
it needs the effort of controlling and preventing from diseases such as biosecurity,
vaccination, medicating, sanitation and disinfection. Some places which become
the point of attention for implementing biosecurity in poultry ranch business area
is biosecurity in gate, inside and outside the stable, the handling of waste product
and the handling of traffic. The purpose of this final assignment is to know,
observe and evaluate the implementation of sanitation, disinfection and
biosecurity in PT. Januputra Sejahtera Farm Sayegan, Sleman.
The data obtained by participating in the activity, observing the stable and
taking data, the observation is also done by doing interview with the workers and
the guard of stable in PT. Januputra Sejahtera Farm.
Biosecurity program that is done in PT. Januputra Sejahtera Farm
involving sanitation and disinfection of stable, tools, environment, water and the
maintenance from DOC up to harvest using disinfectant formalin and
Benzalkonium chloride. Disinfection of vehicle, the traffic of visitors, the
handling of chicken, that is dead, and facility of stable uniform have not been
done. These show that biosecurity program in PT. Januputra Sejahtera Farm is
quite good but they still lacking in some aspects.