Summary: | Background: After chronic stress, there arean increase the level
ofproinflammatorycytokines TNF-αand alsodecrease the level ofantiinflammatorycytokinesIL-
10 inrathippocampus.Centellaasiaticaisone of herbal
plantswhichhaveneuroprotectiveand anti-inflammatory effect.There are
nostudieswhich investigate the effectsof Centellaasiaticaon levels of TNF- α
andIL-10 in therathippocampus after 28 days electrical stress.
Objectives : Thisstudyaimstoinvestigate the effectof Centellaasiaticaleaf
ethanolic extract(CA) on thelevel of proinflamatorycytokinesTNF-α
andantiinflamatorycytokineIL-10 in therathippocampusafter28 days electrical
MaterialsandMethods : Thirtymalerats (SpragueDawley)
weredividedintosixgroups: nonstress normal control (A), stress + distilled water
(B), nonstress +CA 300mg/kg/d (C), stress +CAdose 150 mg/kg/d (D), stress
+CA 300 mg/kg/d (E), stress +CA600 mg/kg/d (F). After 28 days, the rats were
sacrificed and the hippocampus was dissected out. Hippocampal protein was
isolated and the levels of TNF and IL-10 were measured by ELISA.
Results : The level ofTNF-αinstressedrats(B, 6,37 ± 0,39 pg/mL)washigherthan
normal control (A 5.43 ±0.11, p<0.05). The stressedgroups received CA had
lower level of TNF-α (i.e(D)5,92 ± 0,14 pg/mL