Resumo: | This research aims to determine the implementation of the legal protection of
safety and health for workers at Surakarta Islamic Hospital (Yarsis) and to investigate
the barriers and efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of the legal
protection of safety and health for workers at Surakarta Islamic Hospital (Yarsis).
This research used a normative juridical approach is to explore and examine the
issues based on relevant literature and legislation in force. In this case, the Law No. 13
Year 2003 on Employment and the Book of the Law of Civil Law. To reinforce the
discussion, the researchers also used a juridical approach is empirical data in the form
of research results in the field.
Implementation of Legal Protection Health and Occupation safety for workers at
Surakarta Islamic Hospital in Surakarta has not performed optimally even though at the
existing hospital K3RS Committee is tasked to undertake the implementation of
programs for K3 workers. Committee K3RS at Surakarta Islamic Hospital has several
obstacles in running the k3 programs they plan. These constraints include lack of
awareness of workers to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), still the committee
K3RS the concurrent position so that less than the maximum in the workforce, the lack
of regulations Surakarta Islamic Hospital that specifically regulates K3 and less active
manager of each units on socialization K3 programs. Efforts to overcome these
obstacles include Surakarta Islamic Hospital Management tried to do the training for
the committee in carrying out K3 programs , and more actively disseminate K3
programs to workers at Surakarta Islamic Hospital.