Summary: | Poverty is not a new phenomenon that emerges in the midst of Indonesian
people. The uncertainties of life often come to the life of the society especially
the fishermen. Poverty seems to be a condition that surely happens to
fishermen�s lives. The arrangement of structural and cultural becomes a part of
poverty problem among fishermen. This makes a typical poverty that exists in
fishermen�s lives.
One of them can be seen through the life of fishermen society in Natuna,
as one of the regions that is located in Riau Islands. Natuna Region cannot avoid
the poverty. Although they have rich natural resources, most of them are still
categorized as poor. Natuna society life can be seen from the life of people of
Sepempang village. People of Sepempang village that the total is 1.459, have
poor family as many as 133 families. The fact shows that almost all of the poor
families work as fishermen and there are about 100 families. This causes
Sepempang Village as one of the fishing villages that are categorized as destitute
inhabitants. This poverty occurs due to the limitations and incapacities of people
in managing natural resources that are available. Limited asset and access is one
of the effects of incapability of people in developing their economy.
This research used qualitative method by using descriptive analysis in
which the researcher attempts to provide the description of Natuna fishermen�s
lives. From this description, it can be recognized what causes poverty that
happens to fishermen of Sepempang village. The analysis includes some factors
causing poverty and the description of Sepempang fishermen�s lives. The steps of
the study are preparation, data collection, organizing and also reviewing the data.
Data collection is conducted through observation and interview with three key
informants and some other informants that are chosen randomly as the sample of
poor fishermen family.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that poverty of Sepempang
fishermen is affected by some factors. First, poverty is caused by the arrangement
of structural and cultural of the society. Second, poverty occurs due to the limited
access and asset of them. Third, fishermen�s limitations make the fishermen
depend on the capital so that poverty cannot be avoided. Several factors that
cause poverty can be classified into economic and social factors which form
poverty among fishermen. Hence, there should be a further study of poverty
among fishermen