Summary: | Quality of life can be affected by various factors. There aren�t many
studies of quality of life related to smoking in Indonesia. The purpose ofthe
studywas to determine thedescription ofsociodemographic , smoking status ,
smoking behaviorandquality of life forstudents at the Universityof
GadjahMadaand the relationshipbetweenthese variables .
A cross- sectional study was conducted using questionnaire instruments.
Twokinds ofquestionnaires usedto collected thesociodemographic , smoking
statusandsmoking behaviorof studentsas well asWHOQOL - BREF a questionnaire
to assess the quality of lifewhichincludes fourdomains , namely the
physicaldomain , psychologicaldomain , socialdomainandenvironmentaldomain .
Data were collectedfrom248studentsusing aquota sampling techniqueanda nalyzed
usingchi- square, independent t- test andone - way ANOVA.
The results showedthat themajority ofstudents at the Universityof Gadjah
Mada were non- medical students whom doing physical activityoncea week , the
percentage of having smokersandnonsmokersparen tsarealmost balanced .
Studentsclassified aslight smokers . Student�s quality oflife highest inthe
physicaldomain . Physical activityhave asignificant associationwith
thephysicaldomainsof qualityof life . Smoking statushave asignificant
associationwith theenvironmentdomainof qualityof life . Statistical test
resultsshowedthat thestudentcategory ofheavy smokershavea worsequality of
lifecomparedwith the category oflight smokersandmoderate
smokerscategoriesineach domainof qualityof life . Based onthe results ofthe
studyconcludedthatstudentstatusis notconsistently relatedtoquality of life , butit
should be emphasizedthatlong - termcigarette smokingand the incidence
ofsmoking- relateddiseaseswouldaffect thequality of life .