Summary: | Ceriping Singkong need high quality packaging materials to maintain
product�s quality that unchanged in terms of taste, appearance and flavor. The
quality of packaging can be determined by many tests such as Tensile test and
WVTR (Water Vapour Transmission Rate) test. Tensile test is a method to
determine the tensile strength of the plastic packaging through gravity and the
length. WVTR test or water vapor permeability of packaging materials aims to
determine the speed of moisture content through the layer thickness of certain
packaging due to the difference in water vapor pressure between products with
environmental temperature and specified relative humidity conditions. Packaging
quality of Ceriping Singkong testing at the Laboratorium Analisis Mutu dan
Standardisasi, Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology, University of Gadjah
The results of both test can be used as reference for the proposed
improvement of Ceriping Singkong�s product packaging is adapted by act No.18
of year 2012 on Food, that would be obtained the proposed improvements which
protect the product, did not harm consumers and accordance with regulations
Tensile strength on the Ceriping Singkong packaging is good, the
packaging has the length and high compressive force. The water vapor
permeability of packaging materials (WVTR) test on Ceriping Singkong products
had low value, low value indicates that the container capable of holding water
vapor and gases into the packaging. Proposed improvements of Ceriping
Singkong product packaging consists of three design, which design 1 and 2 are
simple plastic packaging from Polyethylene and design 3 is more modern
packaging standing pouch shaped.