Summary: | Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia is growing very fast. It supporting by Muslim
middle class population that was beginning to growth since at 80 decade. Ideas of
Islamic philanthropy rose from very long discourse about requirement to revitalization
of managing alms giving funds (zakat, infaq, shadaqah and waqaf) in Indonesia which
approximation have potencies until 217 trillion rupiah.
Tradition using of alms giving funds to making social service was begun early of
20 century. Since of born Muhammadiyah have been using alms giving funds to making
social service infrastructure in education, social and health. Now Muhammadiyah have
thousands facilities of social service white called Amal Usaha Muhamamdiyah (AUM)
which developing with accumulation of alms giving funds. On early decade 90,
tradition of professional managing of alms giving begun in Indonesia. It started which
born of Dompet Dhuafa (DD) as Amil Zakat Institution which made by Public Daily
Republika as element of Association of Indonesia Muslim Intellectual (ICMI). DD have
been boosting of change managing alms giving from traditional model to professional
model which base of professional institutional which accountable, transparency and
innovation program.
This research used comparative method about cases of using philanthropy funds
on Muhammadiyah and DD. Both is same as NGO which made from society initiative
and rely on mobilization potency of alms giving funds to supporting them social
activism. This research focus of two point. First, Motive and typology of relation of
them social service within middle of dynamic existent of social service by state, and
Second, strategy and institution policy which implemented to survive to providing
nonprofit service and to giving access to the poorest society.
This research addressed that both have different motivation. Muhammadiyah
have been appearing motive of authority ranking or making patronage which rely on
supporting by its members. Whereas DD have been appearing motive of community
sharing which stressing social sentiment of Muslim brotherhood which called � ummat�
within growth of Muslim middle class. On under Dutch colonialism Muhammadiyah
had making social service to competing white social service which produce d by state
because both have different purpose within provide social service. On phase of
Indonesia independence, especially under New Order era which dominance of state to
provide basic service in education and health, Muhammadiyah shifting typology of
social service from competing to be complementary with cooperated by state within
implemented of national development strategy. Whereas DD early to be complementary
social service of state under New Order era and shifting to be substitutive on Reform era
along with repairing internal management of institution, increasing public support, and
responding to public aspires to get increasing quality of welfare service .