Summary: | Settlement occured in the large cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and other.
Problem of the topicresolved by some investigation and analysisusing software Plaxis Version 8.2.
This software show the value of deformation, strain gauge, and tension in the structure ofbuilding
and settlement under the building. For example,BNI 46 Semarang.In November, 2010 settlement
reached41.4 cm.
The soil layer of BNI 46 locationis soft clay,if loaded has big settlement. BNI 46 building added
cerucuk dolken/wood inthree floors area while insix floors area added cerucuk dolken/wood and
combinations cerucuk concrete under the KSLL foundation. Afterdifferential settlement happened,
tostrengthen using concrete minipile 25x25 cm withcertain depth. Problem to analysis using
software Plaxis Version 8.2. Ascomparison, analysis are modeling KSLL before further
strengthened and reinforced after using concrete minipile. Soil cluster had been modeled for
cerucuk dolken/wood and cerucuk concrete andplate had been modeled for rib - rib KSLL, floor
plate KSLL, and concrete minipile 25x25 cm.
The resultshow that the KSLL foundationbefore strengthened by using concrete minipile25x25
cm, settlement that happened reached 36 cm. While the KSLL foundationafter strengthened by
using concrete minipile25x25 cm, settlement that happenedonly about 3 cm. The results by
addedconcrete minipile25x25 cm reduced settlement in BNI 46 Semarang. Piling method of
concrete minipile 25x25 cm by using jack-in pile method.