Summary: | The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between time of
exposureto Chlorine dioxide geland inhibitory zones of growth of
Porphyromonasgingivalis bacteria as the cause of periodontal disease.
The method that used in this study was agar diffusion tests with MHA
(Mueller Hinton Agar) platewhich had swabbed with Porphyromonasgingivalis.
Six wells (diameter 6 mm) were made in plate then 4 wells dropped with Chlorine
dioxide gel (50µl), 2 wells dropped with Chlorhexidinedigluconate 0,12 % gel
(50µl) and Aquades sterile (50µl). The plate were incubated for 48 hours and
observed periodically at 12, 18, 24, and 48 hours at the temperature of 37
C. The
relationship between time of exposureto Chlorine dioxide geland inhibitory zones
of growth of Porphyromonasgingivaliscan be determined by measuring the
diameter of inhibitory zone using sliding calipers in scale of 0,02 mm. Statistical
analysis was carried out using a Spearmen correlation test.
The results of the analysis with Spearman correlation test was obtained at
-0,856 coefficient correlation with p=0,000 (p<0,01) showed a significant
association with negative direction, that an increase of time exposure followed by
a decrease in bacterial zones inhibition. Bonferronitest resultsis0,037(p <0.05),
showeda significant reduction inbacterialzonesinhibitionatthe observation
timeof12hoursto 48hours.It can be concluded that there is a significant association
with negative directionbetween time of exposureto Chlorine dioxide geland
inhibitory zones of growth of Porphyromonasgingivalis bacteria as the cause of
periodontal disease.