Summary: | Background: Place patient admissions is the earliest place visited patients
when they will be treated to a hospital and starting from this place a patient
will assess the hospital have good quality or not. In place of receipt of
outpatient there are several issus that, there is accumulation of patients,
patient enrollment process that is inhibited, and patients wait longer to obtain
services. Therefore researchers conducted a study, to know how to do
problem solving in the outpatient reception that is in the hospital, the
researchers conducted research related Evaluation of Quality of Care in
Outpatient Admissions RSUDSleman Yogyakarta.
Objective: Know the issues, find out the cause, determine alternative
solutions and determine a plan of action conducted in the outpatient reception
RSUDSleman Yogyakarta.
Method: This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach with
a cross-sectional study design. The subject of this study is officer medical
record in place outpatient admissions. Data collection by using observations,
interviews, and study documentation.
Results: Problems in the outpatient reception is, queue number is less
effective, computers are often error, and complaints related to the distribution
of patient files. Analysis of the causes of the problems, caused by various
factors including man, material, method, and machine. Identification solutions
for the queue number is less effective, patients who receive care without first
was patients taking queue number, computer error is often contact the IT, and
complaints related to the distribution of patient files, officers immediately
drove the patient medical record file. Action plans are being made to a
number that is less effective, to make important policy queue number and add
a queue number, computers are often error, making policy that personnel
know how to operate a computer, and the patient complaints are related to
the distribution file, officer immediately deliver patient file.