Man�s concept of God i s always in history line, because God is in human different locus and tempus. Religi ous and Divini t y problem is humani t y phenomenon, so that di vini t y problem character is not bound by t ime and space. This study tr i ed to...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: , Hj. WIDYASTINI, Dra, M.Hum, , Prof . Dr. Syamsul Hadi , S.U, M. A
Format: Thesis
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 2014
Summary:Man�s concept of God i s always in history line, because God is in human different locus and tempus. Religi ous and Divini t y problem is humani t y phenomenon, so that di vini t y problem character is not bound by t ime and space. This study tr i ed to gain understand and clari t y about Al­Ghazali�s concept of God in f orming ideal character which is to be f ound in Isl amic teachings. To do cri t i cal evaluat i on and observat i on concer ning Al­Ghazali�s concept of God and i ts rel evance in f orming ideal character in accordance wi th si t uat i on and condi t i on o f Indonesia. The obj ective o f t hi s study is t o invent Al Ghazali�s phil o sophical thought especially divini t y concept in his several books: Ihya� Ulumuddin, Al­Munqidz­ Minadh­Dhalal, Kimiya u sa�adah, Misykat al­Anwaar and others. The method of t hi s study is libr ary research using books as source of data with data analysis method consi st ing of : data reduct i on, data classificat i on, data display and hermeneutics method. Hermeneutics is a method to find meaning wi t h countain descri pt i on methodical , verstehen, interpretati on and heuristics. Descripti on is a method collect ing verbal data that i s and explanati on of phil o sophical thought . Verstehen is a method to comprehend the object of the research by using l ogic principles. Interpretat i on is a method to inform the essence o f reali t y. Heuristics is a method to find new t hings. Based on the resul t of the research that has been analyzed, i t can be concl uded that self knowl edge was the key to the knowl edge o f God. Knowl edge of God coul d be achieved by t hinking of being and attributes of God so that coul d be obtained resemble characteri st i cs between God as the creator (Al Khaliq) wit h human as the creat i on (Al­Makhluk) and God as the nature of the source of all lights because God is the l ast light and the highest and there was no allies f or God. The essence o f Al­Ghazali�s God concept in f orming ideal characteri st i c made someone believe that there was God as the source of light that provi des guidance to those who desi red him and admit that person who had ideal characteri st i cs was only Muhammad Rasulullah as uswatun khasanah. The essence o f relevance o f Al­Ghazali�s thought about di vini t y in Indonesian context tri ed to convince that God i s the Source Essence of all lights that inspire every Indonesian peopl e in order to be f ai t hful and devot ed to God as stat ed in sila­sila Pancasila to achi eve happiness in the worl d and the hereaf t er