Summary: | KDRT is a gender-base violence that mostly puts women as the victims. And
nowadays, the efforts to overcome and abolish it grow as global concern. In Indonesia,
the number KDRT grows bigger and bigger each year so, Indonesian government
released Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2004 UUPKDRT. That regulation speaks for the
prevention of KDRT, and also the effort to preserve and to recover the victims of KDRT.
The government also released Peraturan Menteri Sosial Republic Indonesia No. 16 Tahun
2013 that regulates the existence of Lembaga Konsultasi kesejahteraan Keluarga (LK3).
Not every family has a chance to overcome their family issues, especially those families
with KDRT. Those families usually won�t be able to survive and finally end up with
divorce. This phenomenon triggers the emergence of LK3. LK3 Sekar Melati is one of
LK3s in Yogyakarta that puts its main concern on the family with KDRT, so that those
families won�t end up being separated or divorced.
This research is aimed to figure out the role of LK3 Sekar Melati in handling
KDRT cases in Yogyakarta by explaining the roles of LK3 Sekar Melati based on its
functions. The logical theory of this research is the emergence of a social organization so
called LK3 Sekar Melati that is triggered by the increasing number of KDRT. LK3 Sekar
Melati has a significant role to decrease the number of KDRT by giving support to the
families with KDRT issues. This research uses qualitative method. Data is collected
through interview, observation, and capturing pictures. Data then is analyzed by
describing the object of the research accurately and honestly.
This research concludes that the roles of LK3 Sekar Melati (including the role of
prevention, the role of recovery, the role of preservation, and the role of co-operation)
have been generally helping the family to gain its function thoroughly, getting back the
rights of KDRT victims, and also helping the victims of KDRT to stand on their own.
As a suggestion, LK3 could find sponsors or constant donors in order to carry on
the program and to financially support what it has been doing lately, if only it gets along
well with the organization�s rule and also with the permission of Kementrian Sosial.