Summary: | The author chose the title of the final project report \"Mechanisms for
Imposing Power of Attorney Mortgage By Notary / PPAT, because the authors
wanted to understand more about the making of the Power of Attorney Charge
Mortgage and provide more information to the public about the Power of Attorney
Charge Mortgage. The author chose a place in the Office of Field Work Practice
Notary and PPAT Nurhadi Darussalam, SH, M. Hum is located at Jalan Affandi
Gang Bougenville CT X/07 Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special
Region for 2 (two) months from the date or eight mingguterhitung February 25,
2013 until 26 April 2013.
The purpose of this final project is to meet the course requirements for
graduation from the Diploma Programme 3 Vocational School of Law, Gadjah
Mada University and earned his Associate Expert for Law (A.Md). The benefits
of this practice is to give the Job direct experience like interacting with JV and get
a lot of lessons directly.
The results of this report directing that the Power of Attorney can impose
Mortgage Notary or PPAT, Power of Attorney Charge Mortgage Mortgage made
because the grantor can not attend in person to sign the Mortgage Deed Granting
in charge of mortgage. Imposition of Mortgage shall be registered in the Land
Office, which then issued the certificates Mortgage.