Summary: | Field Work Practice in Balai Besar Veteriner, Wates Yogyakarta was
conducted on March 17-21, 2014. The purpose of this Final Paper is to see
toxoplasmosis cased according to the data of Epidemiology Laboratory on 2012-
2013 from Java Island which covers Yogyakarta, Center Java, East Java and
West Java. The Method which used in serum sample examination to the exist of
toxoplasmasis assessment is Toxo Latex Antibody IgG Test.
According to the data which obtained, toxoplasmosis was examined in
Balai Besar Veteriner Wates Yogyakarta on 2012-2013, the higest on 2012 it
was 30,10% while the higest toxoplasmosis cased per province was in East Java
it was 50,27% and the highest toxoplasmosis cased per animal was in chicken it
was 100%.
The intensity of toxoplasmosis cased during two years were variation based
of area, time occurred and depend on the various of animal which infected. This
case was caused because important factors were influential about growth of
protozoa�s live cycle causal factors of toxoplasmosis like as air humidity,
definitive hospes (cat) in a area, society�s behavior was eat meat not well cooked,
gift food not hygienist for others animals and bad sanitation environment.