Summary: | This study aims to compare the quantity and quality fresh sperm in
the morning collection and afternoon collection of Ketawa chicken and
Pelung chicken. Used six chickens aged ± 24 weeks consisting of 3
Ketawa chickens and 3 Pelung chickens. Collection of sperm for each
chicken was done 10 times with a frequency of 2 times a week, using the
massage method. Macroscopic examination of sperm include volume,
color and odor, consistency and pH, whereas microscopic examination
include motility, viability, abnormality, and the concentration of
spermatozoa. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance using a
completely randomized design with a types x time of sperm collection
factorial pattern. The results showed no difference in odor, color,
consistency on both types of cock and sperm at different the morning
collection and the afternoon collection. Types of chickens were Ketawa
chicken and Pelung chicken had significant effect (P�0,05) with volume at
0,172±0,107 ml, had 7,500±0,853 and 6,960±0,929 pH and consentration
in 1,858±1,658.109/ml and 2,803±1,517.109/ml. Types of chicken and time
of sperm collection had significant (P<0.05) with motility of spermatozoa in
78,833±15,574% and 62±25,834%. Time of collection had significant
effect to viability of spermatozoa in 58,957±13,489% and 48,059±7,722%.
In the volume, pH, sperm viability and concentration there were no
interaction between type of chicken and time of collection, but it had in
sperm of motility. From these results it could be concluded that the Pelung
chicken had quantity and quality of sperm were better than Ketawa
chicken , while for the quantity and quality of the sperm with afternoon
collecting better than the morning, there were no interaction between types
of chicken and time of sperm collection.
(Keywords: Differentiation, Quantity, Quality, Sperm, Ketawa chicken,
Pelung chicken, Collection time)