Summary: | Tourism lately promoted by government is not a new thing. In 1920 to
1930s, when towns have had enough facilities and tourism objects have been
opened, many people attracted to do tourism activities. Indigenous elite or priyayi
was a social class who often did tourism activities. This research aims to describe
Javanese elite�s lifestyle to respond the massive internalization of western culture
in Java towns in 1920 to 1930s by their tourism activities. It employs historical
method, consist of topic selection, heuristic, verification, interpretation, and
historiography. It uses non oral primary resources and secondary resources such
as books, articles, biography, and etc. Result of the research is that many non
economical reasons pushed priyayi to do tourism activities. They accessed wider
tourism activities compared to ordinary people. They did both of old and new kind
of tourism, and sometimes they combined them. Priyayi always show their status
by the attributes they used. This research also pictured that by their same wealthy
level, priyayi in gubernemen towns adopted more western tourism compared to
priyayi in kingdom towns did.