Summary: | This particular research has the following three aims: firstly to classify the
sentence modus of directive utterances in rubric �Apa Kabar, Bo?�, secondly to
explain the function of directive utterances in rubric �Apa Kabar, Bo?� and
finally to analyze the factors affecting directive speech acts existing within rubric
�Apa Kabar, Bo?�. The latter aims are expected to be achieved by the adoption of
a pragmatic approach.
The data used within this paper originates from the rubric of a readers
forum entitled: �Apa Kabar, Bo?� in Bobo Magazine. This research was
conducted through the following three steps: data collection, data analysis, and
presentation of the results revealed in the data analysis. Upon the first step the
data was obtained by either the use of the scanning or observation method, the
utilized technique is simak bebas libat cakap. Thereafter the data was noted and
classified according to the research aims. Upon step 2 analysis was conducted
according to the padan pragmatis method, utilizing both the techniques of pilah
unsur penentu and ubah ujud paraphrase. Moreover, analysis was also done by
the use of the contextual method. The final step of data presentation follows a
formal and informal approach.
The results of this research are divided into three parts being: modus of
utterances, function of utterances, and factors affecting directive utterances. Based
on modus of utterances, the directive utterances of children can be in the form of
imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, and declarative sentences. There are
ten functions of children directive utterances, which are: ordering, demanding,
requesting, insisting, persuading, appealing, inviting, prohibiting, wishing, and
suggesting. Factors affecting directive utterances of children are participants of
the conversation (the speaker and the listener), context of the conversation,
background of the conversation, and utterances as the verbal act or product.