Summary: | The place where now called as Palestine and Israel have very long history
of war, the war has been going on since a thousand years BC. After the Balfour
Agreement (1917) and Israel's declaration of independence (1948), Israel has
destroyed 478 villages out of 585 villages and perform 34 massacre operations of
Palestinian civilians. Palestinian fought back with the First Intifada (1987) and the
Second (2000). Israeli occupation made Palestine lost almost 90% of its area in
the last 65 years. Israeli blockade of air, land, and water of Gaza since 2007
catched Gaza War in 2008, make people of Gaza�s life more difficult. Gaza faces
cricists of food, clean water, education, employment, electricity, and health
services. With a population of 1.6 million people, Gaza requires 17,760 beds of
public hospitals and 12,160 beds of emergency hospital. In fact, even the capacity
of all hospitals in Gaza do not meet the 10 per cent of that requirement. War
Hospital is urgently needed, as a hospital and also as the center war disaster relief.
The needs of Gaza�s people for a hospital will be different to others. The
hospital they need is a hospital that dealing directly to the war refugees and the
threat of missile that can occur at any time. The hospital that is able to
accommodate emergency mass action in the same time so can minimize the
number of victims. Hospital that is able to protect itself and their patients from the
war. By using mobile architecture as an theory approach then processed with
analysis, we got adaptable, compact, and energy independent as major problems
that must be solved by War Hospital.
Survival Unit were taken as War Hospital�s design concept to resolve
these problems. War Hospital designed to be able to bring basic medical needs for
the victims at war. Survival Units are mobile, essential, and livesaver.
Keyword: War Hospital, Mobile Architecture, Gaza Palestina, Survival Unit