Summary: | The issue of environmental damage is becoming an important issue in
development. One way to overcome the environmental problems is conservation.
Another problem that arises is the lack of awareness of villagers Sendangsari to
safeguard the environment. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Yogyakarta (YKAY) is
present as a non-governmental organization engaged in wildlife conservation who
then invites the surrounding community to protect the environment and wildlife
through empowerment programs. Stages and trends in the empowerment process
conducted by YKAY interesting to be studied and understood.
This research is qualitative. The unit analysis of this research is targeted
community empowerment program YKAY. Research carried out in the region of
YKAY, namely in the Village District of Compassionate Sendangsari, Kulon
Progo Regency. Informants of this research is the worker of YKAY. Data
collection techniques used in this research is the in-depth interviews, observation,
and documentation.
The findings in the field showed that YKAY as the enabler in the process of
empowerment is not through the stages of awareness. This causes the awareness
doesn�t appear of workers about nature conservation. YKAY begin the process of
empowerment from the stages of transformation ability, which is then followed by
a phase of increase in intellectual ability. YKAY showed that the absence of this
awareness stage instead it can be an example to the workers how to maintain and
preserve the surrounding environment. Awareness of workers emerged when the
second stage and the third stage is done. Although not yet on the whole the
workers have to have awareness, but some of the workers already have the
awareness how importance of nature conservation. This shows that YKAY in the
process of empowerment has a tendency that emphasizes the process of
transferring or providing partial power, strength, and the ability for workers to
keep them powerful.
Keywords: Community empowerment, conservation / preservation of natural