Summary: | This research tells about written language characteristics of 8 years old child
in Kado untuk Ummi by Sri Izzati. According to language acquisition theory, 8
years old child is in a syntax phase. So, this research was conducted to answer two
special formulas, that is words and sentences characteristics of 8 years old child.
This research was conducted within the framework of psycholinguistic,
morphology , and syntax. Kado untuk Ummi by Sri Izzati was choosen as a
material research because that popularity. That novel became the best collection of
Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya. It was the first literature work by 8 years old child
published by Indonesian book publisher , that is DAR! Mizan.
Scrutinize method and taking note technique was used to collect data of this
research. Researcher was classifying words and sentences form. Words form
classification separated by basic form and derived form, words class, semantics,
and loan words. Sentences form classification separated by form, kind, unsure,
and pattern. Each classification was counted to find out words and sentences
frequencies. Therefore, there is a pattern that bring this research to a conclusion
about written language characteristics of 8 years old child.
The word is found in Kado untuk Ummi is 2.569, while the sentence
amounted to 361. This research conclude that written language characteristics of 8
years old child are (1) simple, (2) concrete, (3) brief and compact, (4) creative, (5)
energetic and cheerful, (6) have variation, (7) potential to be slang language, (8)
based on spoken language, (9) to be influenced by surroundings, and (10) result of
form and meaning imitation.