Summary: | People awareness to replace lost teeth with denture is still low because
people not yet realize the function of denture.The objectives of this study was to
determine the relationship of socioeconomic and levels of education aboutfull
denturethe patient�s desire to makea full denture at Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut
Prof. Soedomo.
The type of research carried out was cross sectional. A questionnaire in
this research contains 14 questions with the Likert scale which given out to 30
respondents who wanted to make full denture at Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut
Prof. Soedomo. Validity test using Pearson Product Moment and reliability test
using Alpha Croanbach was done to data collected from 30 respondents. The data
was analyzed by multiple regression.
The result showed that there were positive correlation between
socioeconomic and levels of education about the full denture towards the patient�s
desire to makes a full denture at Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Prof. Soedomo (R=
0.958, p<0.05). The conclusion of this study is that socioeconomic and levels of
education about full denture has a positive relationship towards the patient�s
desire to makea full denture at Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Prof. Soedomo.
Keywords : socioeconomic, levels of education, desire, full denture