Summary: | The short story which the title �Mara>kibu asy-Syamsi� in anthology of
short story Lailatu az-Zifa>f is one of the masterpiece from Egypt writer, Taufi>q
al-H}aki>m. The purpose from this study is to identify the intrinsic elements that
sets this short story with Stanton�s structural analysis.
Intrinsic elements in this study consist of the theme, the fact, and the
facilities of story. The fact of story consists of the figure, the characterizations,
the plot, and the setting themes. As for the facilities of story consists of the title,
the point of view, and the symbolism. The elements was identified an d also
described, so that it can be determined relationship between the elements to get
the unity meaning intact.
The result of this study show that theme of story �Mara>kibu asy-Syamsi�
is struggle to against the arrogance to get admission of truth. As fo r the figure of
this story consists of main and additional figures. Main figure of this story is
carver and the additional figures are boat builders, pastor, ladies, empress,
Fir�aun, rabble and fisherman. This story uses the progressive plot and cover the
stage of situation, appeared conflict, increasing conflict, climax, and completion
stage. The setting themes of story is palace. The title of the story is refer to
symbol story. This story is narrated with viewpoint not limited third person. Each
element be related one of others, so that it produces unity meaning intact.