Summary: | Humans are social creatures which require interaction between individuals to live in
the community. It is In accordance with what was said by Mac Iverdan Charles H.Page
(Soekanto, 1975: 96) regarding the need for people to form a small entity or group. The
motive of the formation of the group or organization can be derived from a common
hobby or avocation of each forming an organization, one example is the organization
of Marching Band. Marching Band is one of the GMU student activities at GMU units
engaged in the art known to have solid training activities so many consequences to be
borne when involved in Marching Band UGM. The purpose of this study was to
determine why the student chose marching band activities as an extracurricular
activity in UniversitasGadjahMada, benefits and impacts obtained after engaging in
activities Marching Band UGM.
The method used is a qualitative method with interviews as a data collection
technique is supported by the observation and study of literature. Qualitative methods
are considered able to provide a comprehensive overview over the problems examined
so as to provide an explanation along with a clear and complete translation. The data
obtained were analyzed descriptively to achieve a conclusion about the problems
From the results of this study concluded that students in choosing a rational
choice Marching Band UGM influenced by two factors: internal and external. The
internal factor is student's perception of the integrity Marching Band UGM and
rational choice influenced by several factors, among others, the existence of social
relations that drive. Rational choice arises when one wants to achieve a certain goal
where in the Marching Band UGM, students have the motive behind participation.
External factors such as appearance representation Marching Band UGM has prestige
in the community and leadership that promotes Marching Band UGM personal
approach so as to create a sense of family that is high in Marching Band UGM.
Other findings are emerging impact of student participation in an organization.
The impact arising from participation in the Marching Band UGM there are two
negative and positive impacts. Density of training activities have an impact on the lack
of student study hours and not the establishment of good social relations with
\\"peergroup\\" on campus which led to decline in student academic achievement. Then
the positive impact is the development of the ability of member organizations in the
field of music and relate to the condition Marching Band UGM gender bias among
members of both men and women where there is no division of labor by sex but by
kemaun and the ability of members, as well as strong relationships with fellow
members and to instill a sense of confidence to each GMU Marching Band members
became a tool to improve student self existence.