Summary: | Retirement speech of main political figures is a well-known discourse in
Indonesia. Many Indonesian citizens usually find it attractive because of the
reason of the political figures to retire from their position. Every single retired
political figure has rhetoric in his retirement speech. The discourse of retirement
speech becomes important to be studied because rhetoric has something to do with
how the speech to express, diction, sentences construction, style, and speech
intention (pragmatic). Besides, rhetoric is also determined by the context of the
speech. Therefore, this study aims at desciption on the structure of discourse,
context, and intention of the retirement speeches that were done by some political
figures in Indonesia.
This study was conducted in three steps. First, determining the objects of
the study. Second, the data analysis. Three, presentation on the analysis results.
The objects of the study are retirement speeches by Anas Urbaningrum, Andi
Mallarangeng, and Soeharto, as published in YouTube. Those three speeches were
held in press conferences.
In conclusion, there are many implicit aims that were shown by the three
political figures in their own retirement speeches. Those aims are, among others,
sarcasm remarks towards some political figures and rejections on facts that were
issued among citizens as the listeners of those speeches