Summary: | Rice production from year to year is declining, while the number of people in Indonesia
increase. Therefore it is necessary to use cultivation techniques of Rice Cultivation SRI (System
of Rice Intensification) for increasing plant growth production.This experiment aimed to
determine the uptake of nitrogen and productivity of four rice cultivars in SRI method. This
experiment had been conducted in December 2012 � March 2013 in Vertisol Ngestiharjo
Village, Wates District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. The treatments consists of four rice
cultivars and organic-inorganic fertilizer. The results showed that yields of Mekongga cultivar
with organic-inorganic fertilizer treatment was the highest (8.10 t/ha). The rice cultivars had
different levels of nutrient uptake. Cibogo cultivar with inorganic-organic fertilizer treatment had
the highest uptake levels of nitrogen (0.276 g/clump).