Summary: | Thisresearch was conducted to observe the preweaning growth of
Ongole Grade (PO) and Simmental-Ongole Grade (SimPO) calves in
theVillage Breeding Center (VBC) at Bantul Regencyand Yogyakarta City.
Sixteen heads of PO calves and five heads of SimPO calves were used in
this research. The calves were kept with their cow prior to weaning at the
three months old. Data were analyzed using One-Way Analysis of
Variance. Hearth girth, chest depth, body length, whiteres height, hip
height, and body weightdaily gain of PO and SimPO calves were
0,24±0,07and 0,25±0,09 cm/day, 0,09±0,04and 0,08±0,03 cm/day,
0,44±0,22and 0,53±0,18 cm/day, 0,15±0,08and 0,17±0,06 cm/day,
0,14±0,05and 0,18±0,05 cm/day, and 0,33±0,09 and 0,58±0,12
kg/day.The daily body size gain of PO and SimPO calves werenot
significanltly different, but the daily body weight gain of SimPO calves
were greater (P<0,001) than that of POcalves. It was concluded that in the
VBC at Bantul Regency and Yogyakarta City, the preweaning growth of
SimPO is better than that of PO calves.