Summary: | The objective of the experiment was to determine the effect of coating by
ginger pasta at different levels and incubation times on chemical
composition and sensory quality of goat meat. The goat meat was cut to 30
g in size and coated with ginger pasta at the level of 0, 4, 8, and 12% from
the weight of the meat, and they were incubated for 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120
minutes. The goat meat was analyzed the chemical composition and
sensory quality. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance completely
randomized design factorial 5x4 with 3 replication. The differences between
means were tested by Duncan 's New Multiple Range Test. The results
showed that levels of ginger pasta and incubation times significantly
influenced (P< 0.01) water, protein and fat contents of goat meat. There
were interaction between level of ginger pasta and incubation times on
chemical composition of goat meat. The aroma and color of goat meat
coated by ginger pasta and incubation times showed significant differences
(P < 0,05). It could concluded that the best ginger level was 4% with 30
minutes incubation times because it resulted aroma, color, and texture of
goat meat as good as fresh meat.