Summary: | The implementation of a contract of highly damaged classroom
rehabilitation at elementary school which funded by APBN Budget in 2012 using
self-administered system (swa kelola) characterized by the work planned, worked
and/or supervised by Tim Pelaksana Rehabilitasi Ruang Kelas Rusak Berat
(TPR2K). Person in charge of the rehabilitation is the Principal assisted by
TPR2K. This research has 2 (two) main objectives, first of all to determine and
assess the suitability of the project implementation with Indonesia President Rule
Number 54/2010 About Government Goods/Service Procurement. Second to
determine and assess the legal protection obtained Principal and/or teacher
TPR2K members, especially if the project implementation resulted negligence to
teacher main duty.
The nature of this research is a juridical empirical research with the
aim to obtain research data and analyzing field data with theory, doctrine and
existing laws. The data collected through interview techniques that the author
interviewed through direct questions to the respondents in order to obtain an
answer in the form of data that is relevant and proportionate in accordance with
the research objectives, as well as allowing the author to get the amount of diverse
The results showed that the implementation of a contract of highly
damaged classroom rehabilitation at Soprayan Elementary School in 2012 have
shortcomings in terms of the completeness of the administrative report, not maximum TPR2K function and unresponsive community participation. The
results also show that the legal protection received by the executor of a particular
element of the teacher in the management arrangement TPR2K not guaranteed by
the contract, standard regulatory of implementation and/or legislation guidelines
for the implementation of the project.