Summary: | Problem faced by operators on pressing line at PT New Armada due to the
activity of Manual Material Handling (MMH) is performed repeatedly with over
the number of lots that many. Problem operators complained of MMH is a result
of muscle pain in some parts of the body. In the process of pressing the activities
undertaken is to reach, grasp, move, and position the material on the machine
Small Press and Big Press. Methods Occupational Repetitive Action (OCRA)
index is a method used in the evaluation and further analysis on the activity.
Evaluation is done by loading the work - related activity in the upper body.
The results of the analysis OCRA index method is expected to reduce that
risk ergonomics MMH activities that occur can be reduced. Research object
observed is pressing for a machine operator 10 and the Small Press 4 for Big
machines Press. The data is taken complaints operators, the number of lots and
heavy material, video work activities, the data duration of action. Furthermore, the
data is evaluated and analyzed ergonomics risk by the OCRA method then given
recommendations for improvement and evaliation again.
The results obtained with the method of calculation of the OCRA index for
Small Press machine with a maximum of 23 lots index value obtained was 98.94.
Average number of lots is 19 lots average index value of 60.33 was obtained.
While in the Big Press machine with lots of lots by 45 index gained 73.53 value
and average lot size of 39 lots and index values obtained 67,40. The assessment of
risk at the level of the highest ergonomic work which means needs to be repaired
and review. Recommendations for improvement comprises ergonomic control and
administrative control. Ergonomic control comprises adding workbench design,
time off policy changes, additions at every press machine operator, while
administrative control comprises rule making and supervision of the use of
protective equipment, provisioning and job training. The results if aplication after
of the calculation method ocra index values obtained for 4.49 and 4.48 Small
Press Big Press obtained while index value of 4.40, meaning that the risk level of
ergonomics in the work has reached the level of light.