Summary: | Under vegetation is usually a kind of grass, herbs, bushs, or shrubs. This kind of
vegetations are annual, biannual, or perennial with form as clumps, stands, spread,and climbs.
Generally clans part of Araceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae,Poaceae, ferns, etc. These vegetations
is usually founds on an open area, roadside, river bank, forest floor, agricultural land, and
gardens. The community of vegetations is a group of vegetations organized by many kinds of
vegetations which specially growth together at same place and that group has an interaction of
each individual species with the environtment.
This research was took place in natural touring object Goa Jepang, Kaliurang, Sleman,
Yogyakarta. Sampling was placed in a right and left side of road crossingly. Measuring plot
spacing from road is 2 meters and space between each measuring plot is 10 meters. There are 16
plots with size of 2x2 meters wich is in the nested sampling sized 20 x 20 meters.
The results from this reaserch is there are 37 kind of under vegetations from 20 families.
From that amount the most dominated family is from Poaceae with the relative density highly
from Digitarialongifolia with value of20,633%, the lowest relative density is from Cissus
sp.,Cratoxylon sp., Desmodiumtrifiorum, Eupatorium odoratum, Rubus sp.,and Saurauia
bracteosa wth value 0,117%.