Summary: | Every year stretching Indonesian tourism is increasing, it is certainly supported
by the tourism promotion activities undertaken by the government in general or
the relevant manager attractions, one of which is the National Park of Mount
Merapi. As the parties were given the responsibility by the government to manage
the National Park of Mount Merapi, promoting existing attractions in the
National Park of Mount Merapi is one of the responsibilities that must be run by
the National Park of Mount Merapi.
In the implementation of its own tourism promotion which consists of eight
processes, namely: identifying the target audience, determine the purpose of
promotion, designing messages, select the source of the message, set the number
of promotional budgets, determine the promotion mix, measure campaign results,
and managing the communication process. The National Park of Mount Merapi
as one of the government organization in charge of the conservation and
management of the National Park of Mount Merapi seen phenomenon by
stretching the growing tourism in Indonesia feel the need to promote tourism. In
addition to increasing the level of tourist arrivals, tourism promotion activities
are considered to foster community participation in environmental conservation
The purpose of this study is to present tourism promotion activities conducted by
the National Park of Mount Merapi in increasing the number of tourist arrivals in
the existing attractions in the National Park of Mount Merapi. This study used a
qualitative approach with descriptive case study method and data analysis with
the pairing pattern. The results in this study describe the ongoing tourism
promotion activities in the area of the Mount Merapi National Park by the
National Park of Mount Merapi.
Keyword: Promotion, Tourism, and National Park