总结: | Wadaslintang reservoir is a multipurpose dam that built in Central Java. The
volume and rate of operations on the wane due to the high rate of sedimentation. To
ensure optimum function of the reservoir and sustainable management activities
should be focused on security and rescue efforts as well as the area surrounding the
reservoir. Vegetated areas, especially the green belt, should be protected and should
remain preserved. One of the efforts to control landuse in the reservoir area is to
monitor green belt and determine land use around the reservoir. Reducing land area
of vegetation, will have negative impacts on the hydrological cycle of the reservoir.
To monitor green belt and land use around the Wadaslintang reservoir using
satellite remote sensing data was done by comparing the Landsat 7 ETM+ in 2001
and Landsat 8 in 2013. The method used in this research is the digital classification
using maximum likelihood to determine land use. The results are then analyzed to
detect the land use and the green belt that changes over 12 years.
Based on the accuracy test showed that the maximum likelihood method can be
used to create a land use map with overall accuracy Landsat 7 ETM+ in 2001 is
89,14% and Landsat 8 in 2013 is 93,43%. Analysis of the classification results
proved that there are land use changing on the green belt area, forest decreased
60.300 m
, agriculture field increased 145.800 m
, water increased 581.400 m
, dry
agriculture decreased 775.800 m
, cropland increased 286.200 m
, shrub decreased
338.400 m
, and urban area increased 161.100 m