Summary: | Azo dyes are commonly used in the production process of batik industry.
This dyes are cytotoxic to human body and cause cell injury leading to cell death
(necrosis). The initial stage of necrosis is pyknosis. Azo dyes entered the human
body by inhalation through oropharinx and may trigger the formation of pyknosis
on buccal mucosa epithelium. The aim of this study was to know the frequency of
pyknosis cell in buccal mucosa epithelium caused by azo dyes.
The study used cross-sectional method. Twenty people were assigned as
the research subjects, which were divided into two groups, treatment and control
group. Ten batik workers who were daily exposed to these chemicals were
assigned as treatment group. The control group was a group of people who never
contacted with these chemicals. Epithelial cells of the buccal mucosa were
collected by swabbing using cytobrush. The modification of Feulgen-Rossenbeck
were used as staining method. The frequency of pyknosis cell counted per 1.000
cell under the light microscope and were analyzed using the Independent Sample
T-Test (p<0,05).
The result showed that the frequency of pyknosis cell in Batik workers
were significantly higher, compared to control group (p,0,05). It is concluded that
the exposure of azo dyes towards batik workers in Yogyakarta increases the
frequency of pyknosis cells in buccal mucosa epithelium. The increase of pyknosis
frequency is in line with the time of exposure, and is started from ten up to 23
years of exposure.