Summary: | Armada Town Square (Artos) is the first mall built in Magelang in 2011. It
will cause various perceptions in the society. Besides, the existence of Artos could
influence society�s socio-economic condition, such as change on the pattern of
society�s consumption and expenditure and also society�s economic condition. In
relation with that condition, this research is conducted with purposes: (1) to know
the development of trade centers before and after Armada Town Square Mall was
built, (2) to know Mertoyudan District society�s perception on the development of
Armada Town Square Mall in Magelang, (3) to know society�s pattern of
consumption and expenditure in Mertoyudan District before and after Armada
Town Square Mall was built.
This research was conducted by using qualitative and quantitative method.
The data collection was completed by interviewing the respondents, observing the
distribution of trade centers around Artos Mall and documenting the research.
Analyzing technique used in this research is descriptive.
The result of the research shows that: (1) Trade centers location before
Armada Town Square was built tended to be spreading and after the Mall was
built, trade centers were also built near the main road. It is because the area near
the main road and around the mall is strategic areas. (2) Most of the society is
agree with the construction of Artos Mall in Magelang because it could be used as
an entertainment facility. However, most of the society do not agree if another
mall is added in Magelang because it could decrease comfort in Magelang. (3)
There is level difference in expenditure of Mertoyudan District society in 2008 to
2014. This expenditure difference could be caused by the increasing of various
means for needs fulfillment and expenditures. It indicates that society�s needs are
more various and increasing.
Keywords : Trade Center, Mall, Consumption, Perception