Summary: | Brayut tourism village offers agriculture and Javanese traditional culture as an
attraction. Tourist has to stay for a night or longer, so that they can enjoy every tour
package(s) as a whole. Therefore, homestay concept implemented, where tourist can
stay at local house. There is a commodification of staying overnight in homestay,
which include cleanliness and daintiness of homestay, and interaction with locals
and reputed as family. Homestay also commodify traditional foods and drinks.
Besides giving more value in alternative tourism with simple village atmosphere,
homestay also keep money rotation inside Brayut society. With the existence of
homestay, tourist are no longer confuse finding place to stay when they take a
vacation at Brayut tourism village. Moreover, it is located very close with tourism
object, which is inside Brayut village territory.
The existence of homestay triggers a more intensive interaction between host,
which is local people, and guest, tourists. Inevitably, interaction between two
different cultures happens. Way of life inside homestay owner as people of Brayut
village, interact with new culture brought by tourists. Interaction between these
cultures made a new standard for homestay owner, to have a certain attitude. This
standard not formed automatically, but having a connection with environment,
including the environment of Brayut, tourism, also public society. Except
environment, social process held an important role in a process to form a new
standard. Information from all of informants shows that homestay owner tend to
involve in a new standard. Their eminent motivation is economy, because when they
are not able to get along with the new standard, they are not able to run homestay
business. Hence, changes in people�s way of life is not as easy as flipping your own
hand. It happens on three homestay owner that no longer continue their homestay
business, because they are not able to cope with the new standard.