Summary: | Shrimp pine (Casuarina equisetifolia) is one type of tree that can grow and
control problems of a sandy beach area, resistant to drought conditions, high
salinity, flooding and high wind speeds, capable of growing on marginal soils and
sandy. This study aims to determine the pest status Lawana candida by wide
spread and intensity of the presence of this pest in pine stands shrimp.
This study was conducted in May and July 2013. Sites for this research in
pine plantation shrimp in Samas Beach, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Research using by
survey methods at each age by each crop plantings made 6 field plots with a size
of 20 x 20 m. Every tree in the same plot, evergreen plants categorized into 2
shrimp that grow in shaded and open. The mean value of broad distribution and
the presence of L. candida intensity of each crop was calculated using MS Excel.
From the research broad dissemination of research results (LS) and the
intensity of existence (IP) on planting spruce L. candida. shrimp have a similar