Summary: | This report of final project explains about Implementation of Plus
Archives Management Information System (SIMARS Plus) Application in BPAD
Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Application of SIMARS Plus is archives management
application which developed by core RECMAP. It is based on desktop which used
as back end and based on website which used as front end.
Writing of final project used four methods. First method is observation
which was sightseeing, survey and direct participation by Fieldwork Practices in
BPAD Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Secondly, the method of interview with employees
which correspond and competence in implementation of SIMARS Plus
Application, process of digitalization and service of achives. Thirdly,
documentary studies which explored information from the publication archives of
BPAD Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Lastly, collecting data by literature review which
compatible with theme of final project.
Conclusion of this final project is implementation of SIMARS Plus
apllication in BPAD Provinsi DKI Jakarta has not optimal yet which based on
digitalization activities and development of data center as center of data with the
step of digitalization cover: preparation, implementation digitalization and
migration of data. It caused by application still in development step and limited
human resources. Meanwhile, availability of facilities in BPAD Provinsi DKI
Jakarta completely enough.