Summary: | This final assignment report of inactive records management in Dinas
Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata will talk about several aspect that related to managing
an inactive records in records center. Any aspect included is exploration about
inactive records condition, how to solve them, tools dan infrastructure availability,
and some problem that appear in managing incative records. These concentration
of inactive records management was still lack of textual records.
Author make use of several methods to collect data in order to configure
the final assignment report. The first method is indeepth interview. Second
method is participation observation. And the last method is gather additional
theories from library collection. With these 3 (three) methods, author will obtain a
relevant data, that is appropriate with tittle of this report.
In the last section of this report, author will provide a conclusion of this
explanation about inactive records management. Based on the data, Dinas
Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata has bring about inactive records management as good
enough. Some problems arouse minimum quality of tools and infrastructure, lack
of records manager, and lack of awareness in incative records management
become a reason why records management can�t be optimalized.