Summary: | Community forestry (HKm) is a state forest cover neither the forest
protected areas nor co-managed production forest communities with contracts
given time. Allegedly motivation owned by Social Forestry Farmers Group
(KTHKm) members will affect the management of community forestry. This
study aims to determine the motivation KTHKm in the management of
community forest, factors that influence motivation and motivation influence the
actions KTHKm.
The study was carried out in HKm Wonorejo, Katongan, Nglipar,
Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta by using a quantitative approach with a survey method.
Data was collected by interview, observation and documentation. Analysis of the
data using a data analysis method of Miles and Huberman (1992).
The KTHKm�s motivation of managing forests are physiological needs,
safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. There are
internal factors and external factors affecting KTHKm in managing forests. The
Internal factors are education, experience as a farmer and the narrowness of
private land. The external factor are pushing by parent, presence of the staple
crops, saving for posterity and preservation of springs. The KTHKm�s influnce to
the forest mangement action motivates physiological needs of forest land that use
change and basic plant care, safety needs motivation that affects forest protection
activities, social needs that affect motivation intensity group gathering and selfactualization
needs motivation that affect the use of new strategies in the use of