Summary: | The implementation of education for patients and families by nurses can
provide education that support health. It is aligned to the nurses' knowledge in
home care services that accreditation standards of Joint Commission
International (JCI) for Home Care. Readiness of home care for implementation
patient and family education also supports care provided to patients. The purpose
of this study was to evaluate the implementation of patient and family education in
home care services available for Joint Commission International Panti Rapih
Hospital, Yogyakarta.
The study design is non-experimental quantitative observational analytic
method. Research subjects consisted of 9 nurses and 30 patients. Nurses is given
knowledge questionnaires of the patient and family education. Nurses were
observed as 30 action obersevasi patient and family education. Patients and
families were given a satisfaction questionnaire.
The results showed management input of home care element consists of
academic graduate nurses (55.6%), the financial system is integrated with the
hospital, to have standard operating procedures, as well as advice and
infrastructure that support home care. Nurses have a medium or low knowledge
(88.9%) of the patient and family education. Implementation of patient and family
education is done in enough or poor categories (88.9%). Home care services
results showed 53.3% of patients feel satisfied. Statistical test showed significant
relationship between nurses' knowledge with the implementation of patient and
family education (p = 0.036). In addition, statistical tests showed significant
relationship between implementation of patient and family education with patient
satisfaction (p = 0.011).
Keyword : patient and family education, home care, patient- centered care