Summary: | Background: One of IMCI strategy is improvement of health practices at the
level of the family and community. Knowledge and awareness of families and
communities to meet essential needs of the child, especially nutritional needs,
health care, affection,stimulation of development, education and child protection
have very important role. Under five children is vulnerable group to have
nutritional and health problem, so that childhood is a periode that is important and
need serious attention.
Objectives: to describe the implementation of IMCI in household who have
children with undernutrition and severe malnutrition in the area of Puskesmas
Banguntapan 1 Bantul Yogyakarta.
Methods: this study is descriptive survey, conducted in the area of Puskesmas
Banguntapan 1 Bantul Yogyakarta in March-April 2014. Number of sample in
this study were 46 caregivers of children with undernutrition and 6 caregiver with
severe malnutrition.
Results:1 ) There are respondent who didn�t breastfeed exclusively (59.6%). 2)
responden who introduced complementary foods before 6 month are 46.1%, and
most also continue breastfeeding until 2 years old. 3) all children have been
getting vitamin A on schedule. 4) almost all children have gained complete basic
immunization (98.1%). Majority of respondents had used the toilet when
defecated (90.4%).
Conculsions: The area where IMCI had been well implemented in households
are continuing of breastfeeding up to 2 years. Administer of vitamin A and
immunization, however implementation is not well related to exclusive
breastfeeding, provision of complementary feeding and washing with soap.