Summary: | Sizing is the process of coating the yarn that will be woven with particular
chemical treatment in order to make the yarn become resistant to abrasion and has
good weave ability. Cotton yarn is easily broken when woven, so sizing is
required to improve the weave ability. Tapioca potentially become biosizing agent
that is more environmentally friendly and economical. The aim of this study was
to determine the concentration of tapioca which gave optimal characteristics on
Ne 50, Ne 32, Ne21, Ne 20, Ne 10 and Ne 7 cotton yarns, and to know the effect
of concentration of starch in sizing process on characteristics of cotton yarns.
In this research, some numbers of cotton yarn were sized with different
variation of starch concentration. The variations were 10g/L, 20g/L, 30g/L, 40g/L
and 50g/L, viscosoties of the gelatinized starch was measured. Absorption levels,
tensile strength and elongation from sized cotton yarns were analyzed. The result
showed that sizing with starch concentration of 20g/L gave the optimum tensile
strength on Ne 50, Ne 32 and Ne 21 cotton yarn with value of viscosity was 36,33
cP. On Ne 20, Ne 10 and Ne 7 cotton yarn, sizing with starch concentration of
30g/L gave the optimum tensile strength with value of viscosity was 66,83 cP.
Variations in the concentration of starch have significant effect on starch
absorption and tensile strength, elongation do not have significant relation on
sized yarn.
Key words: sizing, tapioca, cotton yarn