Summary: | The objective of the research was to study the of effect of peat and cow manure on
growth and NPK uptake of corn (Zea mays L.) in volcanic ash Merapi. This
research was done in green house, Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture,
Universitas Gadjah Mada. The experimental design used was factorial design with
2 factors. The first factor were organic matters (OM) consisting 7 levels: 0% of
organic matter (K), 5% of peat (250g/5kg volcanic ash) (G1), 10% of peat
(500g/5kg volcanic ash) (G2), 20% of peat (1000g/5kg volcanic ash) (G3), 5%
cattle manure (250g/5kg volcanic ash) (K1), 10% of cattle manure (500g/5kg
volcanic ash) (K2), 20% of cattle manure (1000g/5kg volcanic ash) (K3). The
second faktor was the compsosition of fertilizer consisting two levels: petroganik
(750kg/Ha) (P) and urea (400kg/Ha) (PU). Therefore, there were 14 treatments
repeated 3 times so that the total treatments were 42 pots. The data were analyzed
using ANOVA with 5% significance level and followed by DMRT�s test. Result
of the research are cow manure 10% is produce the highest growth rate (40,40
cm/week), cow manure 20% produce the highest NPK uptake (N: 0,20 g/crop