Summary: | Ampel bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad) and Ori bamboo (Bambusa
arundinancea) are kind og bamboo that have economical and ecological benefits.
Economical benefir for example is as wood substitution alternatively, and
ecological benefit as conservation land and water. This research aims to know
potency and dynamical of Ampel and Ori Bamboos� growths at the district of
Cangkringan, according to place height.
The research used purposive sampling technique. Inventory is done by
putting sample in every village and done track stratification according to place
height. Total of sample based on Ampel bamboo land ownership is 21 ownerships
and Ori bamboo is 9 bamboo land ownership. Data that is token includes land
ownership, land areal wide, place height, diameter, bamboo height, cluster wide,
and dynamical of bamboos� growth.
Research result shows that potency sample of Ampel bamboo is as many
26,35 stems/ha, so that is obtained potency of Ampel bamboo at district of
Cangkringan is as many 9.918 stems with number of 29 bamboo clusters and
potency of Ori bamboo sample is as many 61,56 stems/ha, so that is obtained
potency of Ori bamboo potency at district of Cangkringan is as many 56.487
stems with number of 16 bamboo clusters. Average height of Ampel bamboo is as
many 9,60 m and average of Ori bamboo is as many 11,65 m. Average stem
diameter of Ampel bamboo is as many 9,62 cm and average stem diameter of Ori
bamboo is as many 11,44 cm. Average wide of Ampel�s bamboo cluster is as
many 1,48 m2, and average wide of Ori�s bamboo cluster is as many 4,81 m2.
Dynamical growth of Ampel�s bamboo shoot number is as many 9 bamboo
shoots, and number of Ori�s bamboo shoot is as many 2 bamboo shoots, number
of Ampel young bamboo is as many 61 stems and number of Ori�s young bamboo
is as manu 106 stems, number of Ampel�s old bamboo is as many 266 stems and
number of Ori�s old bamboo is as many 214 stems.